Welcome to the G0OZS Radio Website!
The site owner / webmaster has been interested in radio since childhood starting out as a Medium Wave broadcast listener with an ITT Combat radio on my tenth birthday, and later on the Short Waves with an ULTRA domestic receiver and occasionally my father's Eddystone EC10 Mk2, both Germanium transistor based. Given that I started out 20 miles north-west of Inverness and probably 5 miles from the nearest computer (a Cromemco Z2D at my secondary school in Dingwall) the bands seemed much quieter and the signals much clearer than today. Most of what I learned initially was from Practical Wireless (I had a monthly subscription) and the occasional copy of Wireless World - my dad (an SWL) also had back issues going back to the 1970s and a copy of an early RSGB VHF-UHF manual (the green cover Jessop one, I think).The first radio book I bought myself was the Ladybird one by rev. George Dobbs G3RJV who went on to be the recognised authority on QRP in the UK.
After attending what is now Robert Gordons University in Aberdeen where there was a radio club (GM3TDI) and several licensed lecturers I passed the old style City & Guilds of London Institute Radio Amateurs Exam in May 1986 becoming GM1WCK. After moving to Suffolk in 1987 I eventually passed the morse test in 1991 (thanks to help in particular from John G4BAV, Anna G0DID (SK) and Syd G0JMY (SK)). I used to be an electronic engineer professionally from 1987 to the mid 1990s and am more interested in the construction and restoration of radios than operating as an end in itself, although before my daughter was born I was active in field day contests with the Ipswich and Martlesham clubs and RAYNET. These pages document the radios I have owned and in particular military radios which I generally find to be tougher and better documented than their modern civilian counterparts so more suited to portable and field day use. At various times I have owned a wide range of radios and been able to collect photos and manuals along the way. I've also been fortunate enough to own a French SIMCA SUMB radio truck, an ex-military landrover and a Plessey NCRS communications trailer at various times over the years.
At various times I have been secretary, treasurer or chairman of the Ipswch Radio Club, the Martlesham Radio Society, The Felixstowe and District ARS, and helped organise the ESWR (the Ipswich Radio Rally). I have contributed technically to the Suffolk Data Group, South Anglia Repeater Group and what is now East Suffolk RAYNET
Please click on the links in the left hand panel for more pages about specific radios and vehicles.
Update December 2018
I will be adding a video section shortly and have set up a patreon account to help fund the running costs of this site without resort to advertising.
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Last Edit: 2018-12-25