Constable Quiz League Chairman's report 2004 ---------------------- First I would like to thank everyone who took part in the League and especially those who did work towards it. In particular I would like to thank Gary for the questions - I have written quizzes and I know that it is a huge committment of 8 to 10 hours per quiz times 25 or more quizzes. I'd also like to thank Andrea for sorting out the finances - setting up a new bank account when being treated as a dangerous money-launderer is no fun. I'd also like to thank the Red Lion for hosting the Christmas quiz and Dedham for hosting the KO final and this AGM. We could not run the league in its present form without them - and having moved from the BASC because of having to prepare our own food when we played there I really appreciate the effort our hosts put into it. I think some things worked well this year. The number of teams being a multiple of three helped with the fixtures and the weeks off mid season seem to have been universally appreciated. There were also some disappointments. In particular the attendance at the Christmas quiz was disappointing relative to the effort put in. Possibly it needs to be a week or two earlier if it continues. I am aware of one error in the fixtures - my error copying not Gary's in calculation - and although it was detected and fixed early the response from some teams was disappointing. The people who manage this league are volunteers and have job and family pressures and expecting a level of perfection more appropriate to air traffic control is in my opinion unreasonable. As you know I have decided not to continue either as Chairman or Results Secretary next season. There are a number of reasons: * I have found it increasingly difficult to be here every Sunday for 30 weeks of the year, * I have found it much more difficult this year because I also have to send out questions so I have to be sure results arrive on time - there is no chance to carry over til next week if cards are late or I was away all week * Two venues have persistently failed to phone or e-mail on Sunday night (or rather one venue and the A-team at another). If the results secretary is away in the early part of the week this leaves no chance to prepare, print and post hardcopy so I end up driving round which is 2 hours of my time lost that I did not plan for when I committed to do the job and cannot afford to promise for next season. We need to be sure that either next season's question setter can deliver them him/her self or we need to ensure that the results secretary gets everything by Wednesday every week without fail. * There are a number of teams which have expected me to know fixtures by memory and who have made remarks indicating that they regard my performance in terms of the accuracy and timliness of results as unsatisfactory * There are a number of venues and teams that have persisted in using outdated fixtures and held me responsible. One of them - unfortunately mine - turned out never to have read the fixtures I sent them - they were given to the QM and binned with all the other waste paper at the end of the match. I profoundly apologise to the teams that went hungry that evening and feel doubly responsible as league secretary and host. I never want to be in that situation again. * When I started this job most teams were regulars at their venue - this is no longer true. As a result it is necessary to mail fixtures and results to both team captains and venues independently. So it is now necessary to stuff and post 22 envelopes instead of 12 each week. In view of the above I think it is time for someone who has more time and can be sure of being here midweek to take over the fixtures, and I think it is time for someone less jaded to take over the league chairmanship. I dont want to be in fear of the phone every Sunday afternoon for half the year anymore. I would ask you all to support whoever takes over my various roles next year and make sure that they have more fun than I did. Please remember that everyone who works on this league is a volunteer - we aren't a business like JGNC and even if we claim expenses for provable items our time and many small items like phone bills are not refunded. This year's quizmaster collection was too small to buy a decent gift for Gary and Emma even if I went without the part that was due to the results secretary and I would suggest that either a more formal arrangement via the registration fee is considered or a going rate closer to £2 per player is considered for future seasons. I would like any residue from this year's collection to be added to the charity collection. Iain Moffat 17-Apr-2004